Archives for Waterfront Museum
At The National Waterfront Museum
It was great to talk about the Legacy of Longfields Project yesterday at The National Waterfront Museum in Swansea. Thank you to the Historical Association, Swansea and The Royal Institution of South Wales for the invitation.
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Being Human Festival 2016
We had a brilliant event on Thursday 24 November as part of the Being Human Festival which was organised by RIAH – Research Institute for Arts and Humanities at Swansea. During the festival over 250 events took place over 45 towns and cities across the UK and was led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. The programme of events was themed around ‘Hope and Fear’. Our workshop took place at The Waterfront Museum in Swansea in the Ocean room which is where we will be holding our
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