It was on October 29th 1987 that Owen Davies passed his driving test. It took a few attempts but determination to achieve won through, despite one ‘Failure Sheet’ looking like a ‘Football Coupon’. Owen was delighted by his achievement. It’s not merely the freedom of mobility, but the satisfaction of knowing that I passed my Test entirely on merit, plus the fact of being 100% responsible for my actions is extremely rewarding. He also paid tribute to his driving instructors Norman Hadlow and Chris Reed. To offer thanks for their dedication, friendship and outstanding professionalism, seems totally inadequate, therefore all I
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Archives for Year Books
Owen Davies learns to drive
Owen Davies was one of the first children to attend the school set up by Longfields in 1953. He didn’t attend Longfields as an adult but his family were supporters of the Association and his mother was an active member of the Ladies Guild. Owen contributed articles to the Association’s Year Books and in the 1983/84 Year Book he wrote about his decision to learn to drive. The article entitled Oh’L’ its Owen. is reproduced below. You will be able to find out if he passed his driving test in a future post.
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